Happy International Women's Day, Humans!

I am a woman in this modern world, and with that comes a lot of rage within my soul. In the past few years, there has been an outpouring of support and solidarity between women, with the #metoo movement, the calls to end victim blaming, and just general support that we NEED to be providing to one another. However, there have also been infuriating moments, like all of the ridiculously short sentences (or lack of ANY sentencing) for men who have been found guilty of assaulting women. There is a fire that is burning that we have been trained by society to keep to ourselves, because otherwise we are "hysterical women". We have a president in power of the United States, the land of the free and home of the brave, who has admitted to assaulting women and not caring at all about it. There are men and women who have spoken out in support of this monster, saying the same old horrifying, and frustrating statement of "boys will be boys" or "it's just locker room talk." 

Well, how about we turn the tables on that talk and start taking ownership of "girls will be girls"? When someone states that boys terrible behavior should be excused because of this misogynistic view of the world, let's remind them that girls have been tolerating these behaviors for far too long. Now, we can and will stand up for being the strong, independent, loud, "hysterical" women that we are. Let's equate girly with fortitude. Let's balance the term manly with freedom of expression and emotion. The #Metoo movement and feminism is not about just celebrating women. It's about fixing a damaged system. By forcing men to hide their emotions, lest they be judged as weak, we ourselves are allowing society to weaken them. There is nothing stronger than a man who is able and willing to express his emotions in a healthy and productive way. The same as there is nothing stronger than a women who is able to do the same and not be dismissed because she displayed an emotion other than joy. 

At the end of the day, feminism is just the worlds response to society putting a limit on humanity. Human beings are capable of great love, great understanding, great prowess. However, if we bow to the pressures to fit inside the boxes of "perfect femininity" and "perfect masculinity" then we are limiting our powers as human beings. We are all pieces of both. Look at symbols throughout history, such as yin and yang. Without darkness there can be no light and without light, no true darkness. We cannot be perfect examples of femininity and masculinity because those perfect concepts do not actually exist. We are, all of us, a sum of different parts, all of equal importance. 

So on this International Women's Day, let's stand up as women and help ALL humans be a part of the solution. Let's show support for our male counterparts and stop judging them for being emotional creatures too. Let's not mistake emotion for weakness. Also, let's start making men accountable for their terrible judgments, actions, words, etc. However, let's do so in a productive manner that's conducive to fixing this damaged society of ours. Let's celebrate by being wise, and being kind, and standing for what is right. The fight doesn't stop here, but it will stop sooner if we all acknowledge the part we have to play in this revolution against sexism, on both sides. Viva la revolucion, as they say. 


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