Still Fighting...
A few years ago I found myself looking through my high school yearbook and found the most interesting note from an old friend. It said, “You are the most fight-for-your-rights person I know”. When I was in high school I spent an inordinate amount of time fighting the injustice I saw everywhere. I was idealistic and believed that I could make a difference with my words and my voice. I find myself, years later, feeling rather hoarse. It’s been 12 years since I graduated from high school. Since then, I have graduated from college. I taught for six years. I have developed relationships with those around me. I have also voiced my opinions about the state of this world, but after spending as much time as I have screaming about the endemic issues that plague our society, I found myself exhausted and almost to the point of giving up. I sat and watched our country elect a man who is the epitome of the things I fight against: greed...