A Teacher Never Leaves You
This morning was a very good morning. Despite the fact that one of my closest people at the school is leaving and moving back to South Africa, I witnessed something wonderful today. I went out this morning to walk across town, eat breakfast, have coffee and ice cream, and just generally take a million pictures with my friend and three of our mutual students. I explained that in the United States, this was not a thing. To be wandering around town with three minors, even if they are your students, is deemed inappropriate. I am still trying to get used to the difference in how everything works here. Anyways, we went out and as we were walking back, two of the students had written a letter to my friend explaining how much they would miss him and how much he meant to them. One of my students had a line in their letter that said, "Teachers never fully leave their students, because they stay with their students forever." This letter wasn't even to me, but I found myself fighting...